Renewing a copier lease in Los Angeles A lease agreement can be a good thing under certain circumstance. This circumstance could be a company not having enough funds available to purchase a copier. When that original that lease agreement is up, you should think about a few things before resigning Nothing in life is free.…
Read MoreScanning the the Las Angeles skyline The goal of a good copier isn’t always to just copy a piece of paper. Some copiers work well as printers, some act as a network hub, and some even are used as a periodical press. Many copiers can also be used for scanning, the ability to save physical…
Read MoreLos Angeles, make sure your employees are safe Have you hear the term “VOC”? If you have not then you probably don’t know that copiers often produce VOCs. VOC is an acronym for volatile organic compounds and copiers mostly produce the VOC ozone. Ozone isn’t all bad, you’ve probably heard that it’s important to have…
Read MoreBetter color copying for Los Angeles Do you print a lot of color copies? If you print a lot in color then you may have heard of Xerox’s Colorqube line. Talk about a good cost per print! One of the ways that Xerox keeps the cost low is with a three tiered billing system. In…
Read MoreTrying to find an 11×17 in Los Angeles? If you print a lot of 11×17 sized pages then you can’t live without it. If you don’t do too many then you may be trying to decide if it will be worth buying an 11×17 capable machine on your next purchase. It can boost the cost…
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